words and bonds

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

and they did it for...

and this one-she told me about visiting her mom in the hospital
she met a man who sang and played violin for all the bed-ridden patients
another-he made pornos in california for low budget queer groups who were sick of seeing misogyny sprayed on the faces of prepubescent girls
one told me to pray for the money to buy a birthday tattoo that ragged on Socrates and a fatal plant, half-resembling carrots.
she-she would have packed her bags and moved to alaska, arizona, maine...told me i was the emergency number for the four year old
he made me laugh when i pointed a phaser light tickler at his belly
told him "to just call out my name..." and i'd bring him chocolate and cake, hydrogenated oils, fried foods on sticks, high fructose corn syrup to get him to leave his daddy.
and they, they shared wine in dark rooms, lit everything red and swore on dead white men the fourth of july wasn't going to come this year.
and fortunately...it was we, we who collided and remembered what each day was for


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